AnyRing 5.0 *Crack*

AnyRing is a great app for all those who love to have different ringtones. iPhone doesn’t allow you to set ringtones directly from your iPod playlist unlike Nokia and other Mobile Handsets. But now AnyRing software makes it easier to set ringtones your songs as your ringtones.
Anyring 5.0, the long awaited version, has just been released with a totally new UI (designed by design studio) and was completely rewritten from the ground up to meet iOS lastest SDK changes.
not only the new version implements all the features the older version had (but in far better UI design :)), it also uncovers new features that only AnyRing 5 has on the market today.

So what was changed in this new version ?

- AnyRing 5 has new eye-catching design
- Totally Rewritten from the ground up
- UI & Graphics were completely changed and look far better (Done by Design Studios)
- New Contacts screen
- New Contact Ring screen
- New Ringtone options screen
- New Songs/Albums/Artists screen
- New ‘Record Your Own Ringtone’ screen
- New ‘Received/Downloaded Ringtones’ screen
- Can now set contact SMS Ring
- Added ‘Email Ring’ for new messages
- Added YouTube support (Download & Use as Audio Ringtone)
- Added Facebook Share
- Activation screen & Purchase are now much faster
- Added new ‘More’ screen
- Ringtone changes occur immediately without respring
- Uses far less memory
- Loads much faster

You can install Anyring Cracked as follow:

=> Run Cydia => Manage tap => Sources botton  => Press Edit => Press Add
=> Press Add Source => Press the Done  => Press to select the source we just added => Search for and select the Anyring package from the list of packages => Press Install => Press Confirm.

Let enjoy it :-) 
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