More iMovie for iPhone Details Emerge

Jeff Carlson from TidBits has obtained some additional details about iMovie for the iPhone.

According to his sources:

● iMovie for iPhone will require the iPhone 4, and not be available for the iPhone 3GS. Handling video and creating real-time transitions needs the power of the iPhone 4's A4 processor.
● Projects edited on the phone cannot "currently" be transferred to iMovie on the Mac for further editing; projects stay on the phone. (The edited movies can be exported or synced to iTunes, however.)
● Video clips can be recorded directly within iMovie for iPhone or come from the Camera Roll (clips previously shot using the phone's built-in camera). It may be possible to email yourself clips from another source.
● iMovie for iPhone is scheduled to ship June 24th to coincide with the launch of the iPhone 4.
● The app is currently for the iPhone 4 only, and won't run on the iPad. Though Carlson suggests an iPad version could accompany the release of iOS 4.0 for iPad this fal.

iMovie for iPhone will cost $4.99 and be available in the App Store soon.

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