3G on 4.0 slow?

If your 3g on 4.0 is really slow, chances are you enabled backgrounds in redsn0w. This causes the icons to get a nice shadow, but this shadow processing is just too much for your little old 3g. You can disable the backgrounds by editing a file. How to edit this file will not be covered here in much detail. The Bigboss will give SSH instructions expecting users to know how to do this. If you don’t know how, wait a couple days and The Bigboss will release a tool to do this (or maybe add a switch in sbsettings).

1) SSH in as root and install ericas utilities
2) Navigate to /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app
3) Convert the plist we need from binary to xml so you can edit it in a text editor:
plutil -convert xml1 N82AP.plist
4) Edit N82AP.plist file, and change this line:
to this:
5) Save the file, respring (maybe reboot).

Final suggestion to help get your 3g back up to speed if this isnt enough. Go to settings, general, spotlight and uncheck everything except apps and contacts.
If you want backgrounds after this, you can use bosspaper or winterboard (no javascript themes in winterboard though).

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