iPhone SBSettings - Easy to Use Device Management

SBSettings is a popular application for the iPhone that gives you access to a variety of toggle options that aren't offered by Apple. SBSettings can't be found in Apple's App Store, however. It is only available on "jailbroken" iPhone through the software developer Cydia. Jailbreaking the iPhone has become popular among tech-savvy individuals who want greater customization and application choices than Apple provides.

Click on the Cydia icon on your jailbroken iPhone to search and download SBSettings directly to your phone. Cydia will automatically be available to you once you jailbreak your iPhone. Simply search for the SBSettings application and install it on your iPhone--just as you would for any application in the Apple Store.

To launch the app swipe your fingers across your iPhone status bar to show the SBSettings window. Tapping the status bar with two fingers will also access the phone's SBSettings. When activated, you'll see a variety of toggle buttons appear on your home screen that will allow you to modify settings on your phone such as brightness, bluetooth, wi-fi and Edge--all of the settings that can generally only be accessed through the phone's "Settings" icon.

This app is free and very useful. Enjoy.

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