Multifl0w is how iOS multitasking should work

Multifl0w is how we feel Apple should have implemented multitasking into iOS in the first place. It works quickly, beautifully, and efficiently on jailbroken iPhones, iPod touches and... iPads! The app collaborates with the free "backgrounder" app from Cydia and displays up to 9 apps at a time. You can get the app on the Cydia store for $4.99 and you can get more info here via the official site.

For those who don’t want to spend $5, ProSwitcher, the free task-switcher should be released this week according to a tweet by chpwn, the developer. Earlier this week, chpwn wrote a blog on why he wouldn't bring back ProSwitcher.
“So I'm a complete hypocrite. @aaronash has brought back multifl0w, and insanely, I've brought back ProSwitcher. Expect a release this week.”

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