Group Text SMS is a new, free app that allows users to quickly and easily create groups of contacts users can send a text to. Rather than having to manually add each name through the Messages app, users can create a group and use it time and again. Available now through the App Store, Group Text SMS is developed by Intelligenti who publish the popular Tips & Tricks - iPhone Secrets apps.
After publishing Tips & Tricks, one of the most frequently asked question was 'how do I send a text to a group of friends without re-entering them every time'? This isn't possible using the built-in messaging App, so we created Group Text SMS. Designed to be as simple and easy to use as possible, the look of the app perfectly matches that of the Contacts app. From opening the app, it takes just two steps to create a group. Users can then name the group and add or delete contacts from each group to keep them up to date.
This app is great for inviting friends to a party, for a drink or just organizing a day out. It saves so much time as users no longer have to add single contacts to their messages at a time. This takes all the hassle out of texting a large group of people. There is no hidden catch to this app, users do not need to register to use it, and their friends do not need the app to receive messages (Usual text fees apply) and it is free to download.
To deliver this app for free, Group Text SMS also integrates iAds as we believe group messaging should be a lot easier on the iPhone. Therefore Group Text SMS is the perfect solution to a common problem without being complicated to use.
Pricing and Availability:
Group Text SMS 1.0 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Social Networking category.
Group Text SMS 1.0 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Social Networking category.