iBlacklist 4.2 *Crack*

iBlacklist is the best firewallfor calls, SMS and MMS available for the iPhone. It ables you to select from who you want to receive calls and hide messages. It also removes the sms popup preview protecting your privacy, has parental control mode by blocking outgoing calls, can be fully scheduled and many other features. Try it, you’ll love it.

image Runs on 4.x, 3.x, and 2.x firmwares !!! Please Reboot your iDevice after install.

You can install iBlacklist Cracked as follow:

- Run Cydia
- Press Manage tap
- Press Sources botton
- Press Edit
- Press Add
- Press Add Source
- Cydia will now update your sources. Press the large Return to Cydia button when
- Press the Done button at the top right of the sources list.
- Press to select the source we just added.
- Search for and select the iBlacklist package from the list of packages.
- Press the Install button at the top right of the screen.
- Press the Confirm button at the top right of the screen.
- Please Reboot your iDevice after install
Please see tutorial of iBlacklist below:

Now to add a number to our BlackList press the BlackList button.
Press the Add button at the top right to Add a number. 
Here we can enter a contacts information in manually or press the Contacts button at the top right to input information from your phonebook.
Select a contact from your phone book and then select the phone number you would like to blacklist.
The Display and Phone number fields will then be populated automatically. Press the Add to list button.
Notice the number is now added to your BlackList. Press the Back button at the top left to return to the iBlackList menu.
Scroll down and ensure Active Mode is set to BlackList. Note: if you want to setup a whitelist of course you would set active mode to WhiteList.
Press Settings Calls to modify the settings for call filtering. Here you can set the action to take when a filter call comes in. You can also enable or disable the call filter and set the preferences to save history, delete recent calls, filter restrict number, filter unknown number, show a status bar icon, and vibrate. Press the Save
button at the top left hand corner when finished modifying the settings.
We can also press Settings SMS to modify the filter options for SMS messages. Here you can enable or disable SMS filtering and set the preferences to save history, delete SMS upon receipt, filter unknown number, show a status bar icon, and vibrate. Press the Save button at the top left hand corner when finished modifying the settings.
You can press Scheduler from the main menu to set the iBlackList's operation schedule. 
Press to select a day of the week and you can modify the hours iBlackList is enabled for that day.
Press the Save button at the top left to return to back to the iBlackList menu.
Finally you can also change your password by pressing the Password button on the main menu. Enter a new password and then press the large red Save password button.
You can now press the Home button to exit iBlackList. When ever you receive a filtered text or call you will notice an icon in your Status bar. Press to launch iBlackList from the SpringBoard.
Press View History from the iBlackList menu.
You will now be able to view your filtered call or message and respond accordingly!

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