Wi-Fi Sync 1.1-1 *Crack*— Wireless sync for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

image Wi-Fi Sync enables wireless syncing with iTunes at the touch of a button. Never go looking for that USB cable again. Sync from the car, bed or shed whenever it suits you.

You can download and install Wi-Fi Sync as follow:

- Run Cydia
- Press Manage tap
- Press Sources botton
- Press Edit
- Press Add
- Press Add Source
- Cydia will now update your sources. Press the large Return to Cydia button when
- Press the Done button at the top right of the sources list.
- Press to select the source we just added.
- Search for and select the Wi-Fi Sync package from the list of packages.
- Press the Install button at the top right of the screen.
- Press the Confirm button at the top right of the screen.
Download Wi-Fi Sync for Windows and Mac


You must install the free app on your computer to use Wi-Fi Sync. Please note that Wi-Fi Sync only works if you have also purchased and installed the app on your Apple device.






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