Gyroscope Powered Air-Draw App For iPhone 4

Independent Israeli software engineer Oren Meiri, unveils his latest app, air-Draw for iPhone 4. Powered by the built-in gyroscope of the iPhone 4, the app monitors motion of the device and converts it to strokes in the drawing. This is the first time the iPhone 4 gyroscope is utilized in a drawing app to its full potential.

The user moves the iPhone as if it is a laser-pen, (i.e. light emitting from headphones jack), drawing on an imaginary large canvas suspended in the air. Once a pen stroke is completed, the result is displayed on the screen.
By translating movement to shape, air-Draw enables a new form of creative expression, that was previously available to only privileged few. It liberates millions of iPhone users from traditional "rules" like seeing the canvas or bringing the ink to touch the canvas to produce artistic expression.

The end result can be saved to photos, emailed to friend, shared on Facebook, or tweeted on Twitter.

Key Features:
* Draw by moving iPhone in the air
* Demonstrates full power of the iPhone 4 gyroscope
* 4 ways to save/share your creation: save to Photos, email to friend, share on Facebook, Tweet

Pricing and Availability:
air-Draw 1.1 for iPhone 4 is available worldwide for only $1.99 (USD) exclusively through App Store in Entertainment section.


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