New iPhone Baseband Crash May Bring Unlock for iOS 4.1, iOS 4.2

Sherif Hashim has discovered another exploitable iPhone baseband crash which could bring an unlock for iOS 4.1 and iOS 4.2.

: since nearly all my received tweets ask about both BB, I can report very early "initial" 1st step success on both sides, calmed down? :)

: @sherif_hashim very early first steps means.. you've found a crash that can potentially prove to be an expoitable vulnerability?

@sherif_hashim: @mrpauldurden a bit more sure than this, yeah

Hashim previously found
a baseband crash in iOS 4.0 that was instrumental in bringing the unlock for devices on that firmware.

Veeence suggests that the unlock won't be released till iOS 4.2; however, it will still support iOS 4.1.

: A new exploitable baseband crash has been found. An unlock will very likely be released after iOS 4.2 and will unlock both BB's of 4.1 & 4.2
We'll bring you more information as it becomes available.

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