Apple plans to put Antenna Behind Logo to Improve Signal

imageApple is working on a new antenna that hides behind a device's Apple logo allowing for stronger signals without metal or other housing walls causing interference, according to a patent filing discovered by Patently Apple.

The Problem
It could be difficult to incorporate antennas successfully into an electronic device. Some electronic devices are manufactured with small form factors, so space for antennas is limited. Antenna operation could also be blocked by intervening metal structures. This could make it difficult to implement an antenna in an electronic device that contains conductive display structures, conductive housing walls, or other conductive structures that could potentially block radio-frequency signals.

Apple's Solution
Apple's solution involves logo antennas for electronic devices such as the MacBook and iPhone. The housing may contain conductive sidewalls. For example, the housing may be formed from a machined block of aluminum or other metals. The walls of the housing may be used to hold conductive components such as displays. Integrated circuits and other electronic components may be mounted within the housing.

You can read more about this patent at the link below...

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