iPhone 4 Unlock for Baseband 02.10.04 / 03.10.01 Less Than a Month Away?

Sherif Hashim in a tweet has confirmed that iPhone 4 unlock for Baseband 02.10.04 and 03.10.01 is now less than a month away.


Indeed a great news for all those iPhone 4 users stuck with baseband 03.10.01 / 02.10.04 and waiting for an UltraSn0w update. Dev-Team had pushed an UltraSn0w update last month allowing users to unlock iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G on iOS 4.2.1 baseband 06.15.00. But iPhone 4 users with Baseband 02.10.04 / 03.10.01 were left out of the equation. However, iPhone 4 baseband 01.59.00 can still unlock with current UltraSn0w.


So, get ready for an untethered iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak by Christmas and updated iPhone 4 unlock. We’ll keep you posted as soon as a new jailbreak/unlock tool is out. Stay Tuned!



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