The plan to release an unlock for the iPhone 4 that supports basebands until 04.10.01 (4.3b3) has been announced by iPhone Dev-Team.
Current i4 unlock goal includes til 04.10.01 (4.3b3). Very weird situation...vuln cmds are there, trying to invoke them!
Interestingly, MuscleNerd notes that they may have found unlocks for the 05.14 and 05.15 3G/3GS basebands while searching for the iPhone 4 unlock.
Ironically, the i4 unlock search has yielded 05.14 & 05.15 unlock 3G/3GS vectors... but i4 is 1st priority
The iPhone Dev-Team has previously stated that the unlock won't be released until after 4.3 is public. Apple could release the new firmware as part of its iPad event on March 2nd.