iOS 5.0.1 Released Fails to Fix Battery Issues

Apple released iOS 5.0.1 but failed to fix battery issues for many iPhone 4S owners, according to Apple support forums.

● Updated about 1.5 hours ago, battery has drained 20% since then with no usage! This is awful!
● Upgraded to 5.0.1 this morning. Still draining at the exact same rate. Unplugged with a full charge 2 1/2 hours ago, and already down to 80% with light usage. Just lost 2% during a 15 minute shower. I see no difference at all.
● New update is no help at all. I opened the safari and lost 2 % just by opening the safari browser...This really *****
● No change for me either. Battery drain on my 4S remains after upgrading to 5.0.1! :-/

9to5Mac did a poll of its users and found that 61.7% of those having battery issues reported that iOS 5.0.1 did not solve the problem.

Meanwhile others are reporting new issues with the firmware such as not being able to download apps over the air and incoming calls and texts that don't display the contact name as saved in the address book.

Let us know if you are experiencing any of these issues or others in the comments.



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