iOS 5 Untethered Jailbreak by GreenPois0n in the Works

We have got iOS 5 tethered jailbreak, but not perfect to use and still not work on iPad 2 and iPhone 4S, so everyone is asking when the untethered jailbreak for iOS 5 is coming, the answer is no one knows. The good news is the people behind Greenpois0n are hard at work at turning their exploits into a easy to use jailbreak. P0sixninja tweeted:


Sorry for being quiet. I’ve been in Atlanta visiting my family. Should have enough for iPhone4s now, thanks to all the donations!!


According JBN the best estimate for a release time would be any time in November. The jailbreak is in its early stages and needs to be refined before it is released. One key thing to note is that the jailbreak will work for the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 both special because they are built with an A5 processor. The exploits used will not be permanent like the limera1n exploit because they rely on software and not hardware. The new jailbreak will most likely keep the Greenpois0n name and act as an update to the older version. Hopefully we can get an official statement from P0sixninja in the near future.



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